Inzell Skating Academy

Inzell Skating Academy has access control at the push of a button

The Skating Academy at Inzell, southern Germany, has been created to provide state of the art facilities for the training and development of world class ice skaters. A former hospital, the building has been transformed using modern techniques and design features, officially opened its doors in March 2011.

In order to maximise the effectiveness of such a facility, creating a safe, secure, and stress-free environment is critical. Nemef was able to contribute to this with its extensive knowledge, expertise, and product portfolio. As a result, ‘Radaris Evolution’ door furniture and EL600 electromechanical lock cases have been installed in doors throughout the academy.

With Radaris Evolution and EL600, you can centrally manage access to different areas with ease, changing access rights quickly and efficiently without having to alter any hardware. Giving end-users a single push-button key-fob to carry with them, there is no need to keep track of multiple keys or worry if they are lost or stolen. This state of the art access control system is highly flexible, as Maarten Hogervorst, Director of Marketing at Nemef explains “you can even use your smart phone as a key”.

Radaris Evolution can function as an online, offline, or stand alone facility, with high-tech wall readers, wireless access points and a tailor made access management system. All of these elements can then be utilised to create a fully bespoke access control solution. Such flexibility has enabled Inzell to maximise the system’s potential, much as they do with their athletes.

Due to the strategic application of this technology, athletes, coaches, and support staff can all focus on the job at hand and don’t need to think about which key will get them into the next room or who may have it. “We were immediately enthusiastic” Maarten Hogervorst says, “this is a good project to show our latest products”. Certainly, the demanding conditions of the academy allow Nemef’s renowned quality, reliability, and functionality to come into their own.